Item Creation

Transferring items to the main library

Once the item authors have final versions of their items – both the ones they have created individually as well as any they may have collaborated on - these can be used in tests. At this stage, item design is complete and the items should no longer be edited. 

They should then be copied to the corresponding section in the main library. For example, when they are finished, Ian should put the items he’s developed for the trigonometry test mentioned in Part 1 into the folder “Trigonometry”, which is in the Math folder (inside the folder for Grade 6 items).

The “Capitals of the World” series he and Iris collaborated on should also go in the Grade 6 folder, in the sub-folder "Political", which is in the sub-folder "Geography" (see the library in the image).

Item Library


Note: It is a good idea to make a backup of your items regularly, whatever stage they are at (not just of the final versions). See the chapter "Making backups of your work" near the end of this course for advice on how to do this.