Delivering Your Test (Delivery) to Test-Takers
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  3. Delivering Your Test (Delivery) to Test-Takers

The difference between a delivery and delivery execution

The term delivery was discussed and defined in the previous chapter: it is a frozen and immutable version of a test. At this stage, only the content of the assessment has been defined, but nothing else. The time and place have not yet been defined for any assessments based on this delivery, nor have any test-takers been assigned to take it. 

The event of the test being presented to test-takers is called the delivery execution. As with tests and deliveries, there is a tendency to collapse the two terms in certain circumstances, and the term delivery is sometimes used when what is meant is not the frozen version of a test but rather the event of the test being delivered – in other words, the term delivery is sometimes used instead of delivery execution. This can lead to confusion, and it's probably a good idea to stick to the terms as they are used in TAO.