Interpreting Results

Statistics on the individual test items

As a reminder: the Item Statistics - which is the next (and last) section in the Results Table - contain information on the individual questions, or test items, which make up the test - the test-taker’s score, but also other information, such as the time they took to complete it.

Before looking at the statistics relating to the first item of the SDG Quiz, it might be useful to have a look at the item itself:

As you can see, the test item contains a multiple-choice question which asks for a definition of SDG. (You don't need to go to the test to see this – you can access the individual items from the Results Table, via the Review button next to each one – shown on the image below.) 

In the image below, the Item Statistics for this test item from Abigail's results above have been reproduced:

Item Statistics are usually divided into two parts: Responses and Grades.


 Either of these can be filtered out if you don't want that information to appear in your Results Table. (See the User Guide on how to do this). 

Note: The Results Table we're looking at here shows that there is a third type of statistics, called "Traces" (see the Filter option on the top right of the first image). "Traces" contains technical information about the interactions in the item. This table only contains information for "Responses" and "Grades", however, as "Traces" is not generated for QTI interactions.


The information provided under Responses relates to the way the test-taker answered, rather than the content of the answer.

  • Number of Attempts: This tells you how many tries the test-taker had at that particular item (listed as numAttempts).
  • Duration: This tells you how long (PT = Period of Time) the test-taker spent on that item (duration). If you aren't familiar with this format, please refer to this article on Wikipedia (under "Duration")
  • Response Identifier: This is a unique identifier, and appears in the results to give you a means of identifying more easily which answer the test-taker selected (the ID is made up of the item name followed by _response_id).  It must be defined when the item is created, otherwise it will be empty. 

You can see in the image above that Abigail attempted this question just once, and that she took a little over 7 seconds to do so. No response ID was given.

Note: Again, you can ignore the number (in our example, "3") in brackets after Responses –  this just shows how many values there are in this section of the table. 



"Grades" includes information on the score for that item, as well as other procedural information: 

  • Completed: This tells you whether the item was completed or skipped (completionStatus)
  • Score: The score the test-taker was awarded for that particular item (SCORE),
  • Possible Score: This shows what the maximum possible score was for that item (MAXSCORE).
  • Feedback:  This tells you if feedback was given to the test-taker during the test  (FEEDBACK_1)

Abigail completed the item but got a score of 0 (zero), out of a possible score of 1 (one). She received no feedback. (In case you're interested, the correct answer for the definition of SDG is 'Sustainable Development Goals'.)

Note: Again, you can ignore the number (in our example, '4') in brackets after "Grades" –  this just shows how many values there are in this section of the table.