Scoring assessments

How do I score an assessment in TAO Portal?

If a session contains items that require human scoring, the Score action in the session overview page triggers the grading process.

  1. Select Enter session on the right side of the session you want to view.
  2. Select a test taker.
  3. The following actions are available for Admins, Group Managers and Scorers when a test taker has completed the assessment:
    1. Report
    2. Review test
    3. Score
    4. Exempt (only available to Admins and Group Managers)
  4. Select Score to begin grading the test taker’s assessment:
    1. Use the arrows to navigate to view each interaction in the assessment that requires manual scoring.
    2. In the panel on the left side of the interface, the scorer will see the outcome declaration(s) defined for each interaction, along with the score range defined for each outcome declaration. Select the score earned to grade each interaction.
  5. Once you have completed grading (see percentage bar in the bottom-left corner), select SEND SCORES.
  6. A prompt appears to inform the grader that all scores will be final. Select SUBMIT THE SCORES to finalize the grading process for the assessment.