Creating sessions for deliveries in TAO Portal
  1. Knowledge Base
  2. Creating assessments for delivery in TAO
  3. Creating sessions for deliveries in TAO Portal

How do I create a session in TAO Portal?

Assessments are defined as sessions in the TAO Portal. Sessions are comprised of a delivery (creating in the Content Bank) and an assigned group (created in the Portal).

Once you have created a delivery in the Content Bank > Deliveries, you can create a session in the Portal to launch your assessment. 

Sessions Management is accessible by the following roles:

By the Global Admin without any restrictions.

By the Group Manager, who will only see the sessions linked to the groups in which he is enrolled as a Group manager 

Creating and editing sessions

Once a delivery is created in the Content Bank, you can create an assessment session for a particular group. Sessions can be created by both Admins and Group Managers. For more information on roles, see User Roles in the User Guide. 

Creating a session

  1. Select CREATE SESSION on the top-right of the table in the Sessions management window.
  2. Populate the fields in the Create session form.
    Name, group, and delivery are mandatory fields.
  3. When you are finished, click on CREATE SESSION and confirm the creation of the session.

Editing a session

You can edit existing sessions by clicking the Action button (…) in the row of the user you want to update.

A menu will be presented with the available actions:

  • Edit: Opens a page similar to the one used to create new sessions, but prefilled with the available data of the session you are updating.
  • Preview: Allows you  to launch the published test assigned to the session and verify the experience of the test-taker
  • Delete: Enables you to delete a given session.