Types of Features and their Corresponding Extensions
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  3. Types of Features and their Corresponding Extensions

Features included in every TAO instance

Some features, and their corresponding extensions, belong to the core functionality of TAO, which means that they are an automatic part of every TAO product. The extensions implementing these core features form the TAO framework, and as such they are the backbone of TAO. You don't need to know what these extensions are called, but if you're curious, they are: generis, taoCore, taoBackOffice and funcAcl

The core features enabled by these four extensions allow TAO to work on a very basic level by providing the following functions:

  • A framework for TAO, as well as the programming interfaces used to manage the TAO data model.
  • The structures which make it easy for your TAO instance to be extended, as well as functionalities such as the use of databases for storing and retrieving information, user management, certain automated procedures, and the search function.
  • An entry point into TAO, enabling users to log in and access the TAO menu.
  • A framework for the functional access control layer, defining the capabilities which are given to a specific role or user.

It’s worth mentioning that it’s possible to run TAO with just the extensions named above (even with just the first two), although the resulting TAO instance doesn’t offer a useful platform in practical terms. More than anything, it’s an indicator of TAO’s modular architecture.